If you want to know what can be the IRFC Share Price Target 2025 to 2050? And how can IRFC Limited give returns in the future? Then you have come to the right place. In this article, we have done a financial analysis of the last 10 years of IRFC company. Along with this, we have tried to give all the possibilities only after doing fundamental and technical analysis of the current financial situation. After reading this article, you yourself will be able to know the future of IRFC company easily. So let’s know in detail what can be the IRFC Share Price Target in the future?
IRFC Basic Information
Before knowing IRFC Share Price Target, you should know the basic information of this company. This company was established in 1986. Full form of IRFC is Indian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd. This company raises funds from the market and acquires properties with that fund. These properties are then leased to Indian railway companies. IRFC mainly acts as a financial arm of Indian Railways. This company raises funds from the national and international market. It is a mini-ratna company, which works under the Ministry of Railways of India.
Main work of IRFC
1) Loan operation: IRFC Limited Company gives loans related to Indian Railways. Which mainly includes companies like Rail Vikas Nigam Limited, IRCON, Railtel Corporation, Konkan Railway Corporation etc.
2) Lease operation: This company leases properties to many companies associated with Indian Railways. The lease period is about 30 years. Firstly, both the principal amount and interest are recovered in the lease period. In the second period, the assets are transferred after the completion of the lease period.
3) Borrowing operation: This company issues many types of bonds. Which include taxable and tax-free bonds. Money is borrowed from sources like long-term borrowing from banks and financial institutions through bonds.
IRFC Current Financial Overview
You should invest in this company only after knowing the current financial position of IRFC Limited Company. That is why we have tried to give the current financial position of this company in detail along with all the ratios below.
IRFC Ltd | Ratios |
Market Cap | ₹ 2,05,306 Cr |
Face Value | ₹ 10 |
Book Value | ₹ 38.8 |
PE ratio | 31.9 |
ROCE ratio | 5.73% |
ROE ratio | 13.7% |
Dividend Yield | 0.97 % |
52-wk high | 229 Rs |
52-wk low | 65.8 Rs |
Just knowing the current financial position of the company is not enough. It is also important to know the history of the company. After being listed in the stock market, the stock of this company was trading at ₹ 25 in 2021. From January 2021 to December 2022, the stock of IRFC was trading between 20 to 25. But from December 2022, a bullish environment has started in the stock of this company. Due to which the stock trading at ₹ 25 in December 2022 was trading above ₹ 200 in July 2024. If the company works in the same way, then the stock of IRFC can move even faster.

The company’s sales in 2023 was Rs 23722 crore, which has increased to Rs 26645 crore in 2024. Along with this, the company’s net profit was Rs 6167 crore in 2023, which has increased to Rs 6412 crore in 2024. If this company grows in the same way, then IRFC Share Price Target 2025 can be like this .
IRFC Share Price Target 2025 | Rs |
First Target | 170 |
Second Target | 210 |
Third Target | 250 |
IRFC’s operating profit in 2023 was Rs 23588 crore, which has increased to Rs 26513 crore in 2024. Keeping all these things in mind, IRFC Share Price Target 2025 can be between Rs 170 to Rs 250.
IRFC Limited Company has shown 19% sales growth in the last 10 years. This growth has been 19% in the last 5 years. The company’s compound profit growth in the last 10 years is 25%. If this company improves its position further, then the target in 2026 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2026 | Rs |
First Target | 260 |
Second Target | 295 |
Third Target | 350 |
IRFC Limited Company has given 91% CAGR in the last three years. Which has increased to 108% last year. If this company works in the same way, then IRFC Share Price Target 2026 can be between Rs 260 to ₹ 350.
IRFC Limited Company has given an equity return of 13% in the last 10 years. Which has increased to 15% in the last 3 years. This company has kept its total liability and total assets well balanced. That is why the share price target of the company in 2027 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2027 | Rs |
First Target | 360 |
Second Target | 405 |
Third Target | 460 |
In 2023, the total assets of the company were Rs 4,90,359 crore, which is Rs 4,85,082 crore in 2024. Keeping all these things in mind, IRFC Share Price Target 2027 can be between Rs 360 to Rs 460.
The Government of India also has a hand in making plans of this company. Because the director body of this company is appointed by the Government of India. That is why this company plays an important role in the success of the plans of the Government of India. If the Indian government forms stable plans, then the target of this company in 2028 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2028 | Rs |
First Target | 470 |
Second Target | 530 |
Third Target | 600 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2029
Ever since the inception of this company, the company has not had any kind of NPA. This shows the strength of the company. If this company recovers all the loans given, then in future this company can show similar growth. That is why the target 2029 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2029 | Rs |
First Target | 610 |
Second Target | 670 |
Third Target | 750 |
This company has also signed an agreement with RITES for infrastructure projects. Keeping all these things of the company in mind, IRFC Share Price Target 2029 can be between Rs 610 to Rs 750.
This company is mainly focusing on infrastructure projects related to railways, which includes basic needs like high-speed rail corridors, multi-model logistics parks etc. Along with this, the company is trying to find different energy sources for the railway network. That is why after investing in new energy sources in the future, this company can move forward even faster. The target can be like this in 2030.
IRFC Share Price Target 2030 | Rs |
First Target | 760 |
Second Target | 830 |
Third Target | 900 |
To increase the facilities of the railway sector, this company tries to easily give assets to other companies related to railways. Just as our Indian Railways will develop, this company will also develop in the same way. That is why IRFC Share Price Target 2030 can be between Rs 760 to Rs 900.
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Since 1986, this company has acquired assets like about 13764 locomotives, 2 lakh 65815 freight carriages, 76735 passenger coaches. This company has become very helpful in modernizing Indian Railways. If this company acquires assets in this way and arranges funds for other companies, then the target in 2035 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2035 | Rs |
First Target | 1400 |
Second Target | 1520 |
Third Target | 1650 |
This company is proving to be helpful in increasing the budget of Indian Railways. This company is proving to be helpful in funding the plans made by Indian Railways for modernization. That is why IRFC Share Price Target 2035 can be between Rs 1400 to Rs 1650.
Those who want to invest in a good limited company for a long time should definitely know this type of target. As long as there is a stable government in our India and as long as this company executes the government schemes properly, this company can have a good growth. That is why the target can be like this in 2040.
IRFC Share Price Target 2040 | Rs |
First Target | 1850 |
Second Target | 2230 |
Third Target | 2500 |
Looking at the history and current financial position of IRFC Limited, IRFC Share Price Target 2040 can be between Rs 1850 to Rs 2500.
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IRFC has been given a rating of AAA by CRISIL, along with a rating of BAA3 by Moody’s. Therefore, it has become difficult for other competing companies to compete with IRFC. If RFC grows rapidly and maintains this rating, then the target given below can be easily achieved in the future.
IRFC Share Price Target 2045 | Rs |
First Target | 3600 |
Second Target | 4100 |
Third Target | 4700 |
This company has been consistently given an excellent rating by the Public Parks Department, that is why all the plans of the company are in line with the Ministry of Railways, which helps Indian Railways to develop. That is why IRFC Share Price Target 2045 can be between Rs 3600 to Rs 4700.
By 2050, our country India can become a superpower. India’s economy can emerge as the largest economy. All Indian companies will benefit from this. If IRFC Limited Company also takes advantage of this growth. So the target in 2050 can be like this.
IRFC Share Price Target 2050 | Rs |
First Target | 6500 |
Second Target | 7900 |
Third Target | 9700 |
After doing fundamental and technical analysis of the company, according to analysts, IRFC Share Price Target 2050 can be between Rs 6500 to Rs 9700.
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Years | Targets (Rs) |
IRFC Share Price Target 2025 | 170 to 250 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2026 | 260 to 350 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2027 | 360 to 460 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2028 | 470 to 600 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2029 | 610 to 750 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2030 | 760 to 900 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2035 | 1400 to 1650 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2040 | 1850 to 2500 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2045 | 3600 to 4700 |
IRFC Share Price Target 2050 | 6500 to 9700 |
After knowing IRFC Share Price Target, you must also know the shareholders of this company. By getting information about the shareholders, it is easy to know who can run this company. That is why the list of shareholders is given below.
IRFC Shareholders | Percentages (2024) |
Promoters | 86.36 |
FIIs | 1.11 |
DIIs | 1.08 |
Public | 11.45 |
No. of Shareholders | 51,08,893 |
To get more information, you can take the help of this balance sheet.
IRFC Visions and Missions
After knowing what can be the IRFC Share Price Target 2025 to 2050, you should also know the vision and mission of this company.
The vision of RFC is to create a major and central financial services company for the modern development of railways. Along with this, to maintain a symbiotic relationship with the ministry by remaining under the Ministry of Railways.
RFC company has to work as a large financial company at the national level. So that it can raise funds from the market and invest it for the modern development of railways.
Key objectives to achieve the mission
1) To raise funds from domestic and foreign markets keeping in view the annual budget given by the Ministry of Railways.
2) To provide timely funds for acquisition of rolling stock assets for modernization of railways.
3) To keep exploring the possibilities of raising as many new funds as possible and acquire the same at low interest.
4) To strive to provide high quality services to all investors.
To get more information follow company website irfc.co.in
1) What is IRFC Share Price Target 2025 ?
If the company continues to perform in the same way, then IRFC Share Price Target 2025 can be between ₹170 to ₹250.
Considering the financial position of the company, IRFC Share Price Target 2026 can be between ₹260 to ₹350.
Given the current sales of the company, IRFC Share Price Target 2027 can be between ₹360 to ₹460.
Given the current profit of the company, IRFC Share Price Target 2028 can be between ₹470 to ₹600.
Looking at the financial history of the company, IRFC Share Price Target can be between ₹610 to ₹750 in 2029.
IRFC Share Price Target can be between ₹760 to ₹900 in 2030.
IRFC Share Price Target can be between ₹1850 to ₹2500 in 2040.
If the company further improves its financial position, then IRFC Share Price Target can be between ₹6500 to ₹9700 in 2050.
To tell all the possibilities from IRFC Share Price Target 2025 to 2050, we have done financial analysis of this company for the last several years. Fundamental technical analysis has been done from the last 10 years to the current financial situation. An attempt has been made to give all the ratios of this company in detail. The contribution of the Government of India to run this company has also been told. After reading this article, you will be able to know the future by doing financial analysis of the company yourself. To get more information like this, you can read the rest of the articles given on our website for free. You can follow us on social media to get information in the form of video.
All the information given above is for educational purpose. Before investing, definitely take advice from your financial advisor. Because we are not SEBI registered advisors. This platform is not responsible for your financial loss.

We have been investing and researching the stock market for the last 8 years. We try to provide free information on this website in simple language.
- 1 IRFC Basic Information
- 2 IRFC Current Financial Overview
- 3 IRFC Share Price Target 2025
- 4 IRFC Share Price Target 2026
- 5 IRFC Share Price Target 2027
- 6 IRFC Share Price Target 2028
- 7 IRFC Share Price Target 2030
- 8 IRFC Share Price Target 2035
- 9 IRFC Share Price Target 2040
- 10 IRFC Share Price Target 2045
- 11 IRFC Share Price Target 2050
- 12 Summary Of IRFC Share Price Target 2025 to 2050
- 13 IRFC Share Holder’s
- 14 IRFC Visions and Missions
- 15 FAQ
- 16 Conclusion
- 17 Disclaimer